School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022

School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022


The School Sports Day was in Coolarne Pitch. Great fun was had by all and we did our best to beat the teachers in the Tug of War. Everybody enjoyed an ice cream cone provided by Dara at the end of the day.


School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022School Sports Day and Ice Cream June 2022
Coolarne, Turloughmore, Co. Galway, H65 PK03, Ireland
085 236 2998 or 091797617
© 2024 St. Vincent's NS Coolarne