5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment

5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment

5th & 6th class were faced with the task of creating 'rockets' using only vinegar and bicarbonate of soda.

In their pods, children designed their rockets, aiming to ensure the rocket can stand up and leave enough space for the cork and Carbon Dioxide to shoot out and 'launch' the rocket.

They then took their prepared rockets outside to see did their planning and preparation come to fruition with some explosive results!

This was undertaken after taking part in a live class Zoom session 'Super Science' with Mark the Science Guy and viewing his experiment on mini-rockets!

5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment5th & 6th Science Rocket Experiment
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